O.N.E., along with our Common Law experts have formed an alliance to cleanup Our New Earth.
There are dozens of projects needing our attention - we will begin with the list below.
Utilizing both the power of the people's voice and the power of the International Common Law World Courts, we can rapidly apply the pressure and enforcement needed to stop the damage by Big Industry and Government.
What we need now is YOUR SUPPORT.
What is your "hot button" below?
How can you help us?
Membership, Letters, Projects (see below).
How we can help you!
Information (our site), Legal Remedy and Funding for Benevolent Projects.
Utilizing the power of our Common Law experts with the new World Courts, O.N.E. has multiplied the efficiency of success many times.
Our experts takes on industry and political giants in our new US and Canadian Common Law World Courts. No attorneys can speak for the perpetrators... they must stand up against the truth of their actions.
O.N.E. meticulously prepares each claim along with supporting documentation/empirical evidence of undeniable harm, including affidavits of truth from expert witnesses, factual data and studies along with member's letter support to provide the best opportunity for maximum success. Our expert's track record against major challengers, statutory courts, and attorneys is unparalleled.
We are deeply gratified to work with this high integrity group working for Our New Earth O.N.E.
Peer pressure alone can often bring about temporary change, but to assure the results are permanent, it takes enforcement.
Once again, O.N.E. with it's experts, through their exhaustive claims process, brings the necessary muscle to the International Common Law World Courts, providing them the ammunition needed to take affirmative corrective action against the offenders. Enforcement can include...
- Stopping the event
- Removal from office of key personnel
- Arrest of key individuals for crimes against humanity and terrorism
- Correction and Cleanup
- Substantial fines to improve the environment